Profhilo In Singapore

Subtly improves skin hydration and promotes firmness

What is Profhilo?

Profhilo is an injectable treatment distinguished by its high concentration of hyaluronic acid (HA) and a bio-remodelling approach. Unlike traditional dermal fillers, Profhilo doesn't aim to add volume by physically filling specific areas but rather focuses on bio-rejuvenation. Its dual action involves not only providing intense hydration and volume but also stimulating the skin's natural collagen and elastin production, thereby improving overall skin quality and elasticity.

Recommended Skin Type for Profhilo

Ageing Skin

Sagging Skin

Dull Skin

Acne Scars

What is Profhilo effective for?

Profhilo can be used to address various skin issues due to its bio remodelling properties. Here are what they are effective for:

Provides hydration boost

Profhilo's high hyaluronic acid content effectively increases skin hydration, addressing dehydration prevalent in ageing and dull skin. This helps in maintaining the skin's moisture balance, crucial for a healthy skin barrier function and to revitalise dehydrated skin.

Reduces fine lines and wrinkles

The treatment supports the skin's extracellular matrix, aiding in the reduction of fine lines and wrinkles. It works by enhancing the skin's structural integrity, thus smoothing out these age-related changes.

Promotes skin firmness and elasticity

Profhilo plays a role in the synthesis of collagen and elastin. By stimulating these key structural proteins, it contributes to improved skin firmness and elasticity.

Restores moisture and radiance

The treatment targets the skin's hydration levels and natural radiance. By replenishing moisture, Profhilo aids in enhancing the skin's natural glow and overall texture. This also helps reduce the visibility of acne scars.

Delays visible signs of ageing

Profhilo's ability to deeply hydrate the skin, coupled with its support for cellular renewal and repair mechanisms, aids in preserving the skin's youthful appearance. The consistent use of Profhilo helps maintain hydration levels and skin integrity, which are essential in minimising the appearance of ageing signs over time.

How does Profhilo work?

The Profhilo procedure involves a series of injections just below the skin’s surface, where it disperses to hydrate the skin. Profhilo’s effects include improved skin hydration, support for collagen and elastin production, and a contribution to the reduction of fine lines and wrinkles. It is used for skin treatment in areas such as the face, neck, and hands. This treatment is known for having minimal downtime. Results from Profhilo can be maintained for up to six months, and the treatment can be used either on its own or alongside other skin therapies.

Areas suitable for Profhilo

Profhilo is suitable for various areas of the face and body, specifically designed to target skin laxity and signs of ageing. Here are the primary areas where Profhilo is effective:


Profhilo is commonly used on the face, especially for addressing signs of ageing like skin laxity, wrinkles, and fine lines. Its unique BAP (Bio Aesthetic Points) injection technique ensures optimal diffusion of the product across the face, providing a natural and rejuvenated appearance.


The neck area, often showing signs of ageing, can significantly benefit from Profhilo treatments. It helps in tightening and firming the skin, reducing the appearance of wrinkles and sagging.


The treatment is effective for the decolletage area, addressing skin laxity and improving overall skin quality and hydration.

Hands and Upper Arms

Profhilo is effective for both the hands and upper arms, areas commonly affected by visible signs of ageing. For the hands, it enhances skin texture and hydration, rejuvenating their appearance. In the upper arms, Profhilo aids in firming the skin and reducing laxity, contributing to a more toned and youthful look.

Why Glowwis Aesthetic & Medical Clinic?

Qualified Experts
Customised Treatments
Reliable & Safe
Comprehensive Skin Analysis

The Cost of Profhilo

Per session, Profhilo can range between $700 - $1000 in Singapore. For a customised plan to suit your concerns, goals, and budget, don’t hesitate to contact us and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

The Effectiveness Of Customisation At Glowwis Aesthetic & Medical Clinic: Tailored Solutions That Deliver Results

Treatments curated according to skin types & concerns
Tailored by MOH-certified doctor with over 10 years of experience
Comprehensive skin analysis & treatments

Profhilo In Singapore


Is there any downtime after Profhilo treatment?

Profhilo has minimal downtime. However, mild redness or swelling at the injection areas may occur but these conditions will disappear within a few days.

How long do the results of Profhilo last?

The duration of results can vary, but benefits can last from 6 to 12 months. Maintenance sessions are recommended to sustain the effect.

How soon can results be seen?

Results from Profhilo may become noticeable a few weeks after the second session, as collagen and elastin production are stimulated.

Perfectly Customised Treatments
Get a perfectly

Profhilo Treatment


Dr. Sam will curate a treatment regime to help you achieve your best version! Book a consultation today to reveal your radiance!

    Book an Appointment

    At GLOWWIS AESTHETIC & MEDICAL CLINIC, we believe in a personalised approach to beauty and wellness, ensuring every treatment plan is as unique as you are. Our services are delivered by an MOH-certified doctor, who specialises in non-invasive and minimally invasive aesthetic procedures tailored to meet the needs of both men and women. Here, every patient is important to us, and we strive to provide the highest standard of care, combining the right combination of treatments to reveal your best self.

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